Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Child-like faith

Sometimes a part of my carnal nature wants to flex its tired muscles and say, "Why can't I be like other people?"

They put in their 60 minutes on Sunday morning and consider their spiritual obligation fulfilled for the week.

Why do I have to pray everyday, read the Bible everyday, take those long mission trips every year with the long plane rides living under less than desirable conditions for months at a time? Haven't I done enough for one lifetime, where does a Christian go to sign up for retirement?

These 65-year-old muscles are less flexible than they used to be and ask the above questions with more frequency. I don't think that it's the years as much as the miles.

The paradox is that I cherish His fellowship more and more these days even though the burden seems heavy at times.

In Mathew chapter 11 and verses29 and 30, Jesus tells me, "Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your soul. For my yoke fits perfectly and the burden I give you is light."

Herein lies the answer to those nagging questions. He tells me that there is help available; I don't have to carry the load alone.

The kind of yoke He is talking about here is a yoke that a pair of oxen would have on their necks which is attached to the load they are pulling.

Jesus is telling me that He is offering to get alongside of me and carry part of the load and the good news is that He is willing to carry the heaviest part and He offers me the lightest part.

I wonder if the whining Christians that I hear are trying to carry the whole load by themselves?

I have also seen Christians who seem to be carrying no load at all. Do you suppose that the joy that they get from the Lord is their strength?

If I allow God to put His burden on me, it will produce fruit in my life and as the burden squeezes down on me, the grapes, (fruit) will produce sweet wine and if I let God carry his part of the load the result will be beautiful tasting wine, not whine.

Isn't that the difference between wine and whine, one is sweet and one is bitter.

I am going to keep pressing on.

See you next weekend.


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