Wednesday, October 11, 2006

ow many are 47,000,000?

January 22 was the 33rd anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, that legalized the murdering of the unborn.

It has been estimated that forty seven million unborn babies have died as a result of this decision.

I was wondering, how many are 47,000,000. I wanted to get an idea of the enormity of this crime so I did a little work with my calculator.

I used the same font size as they use for printing the newspaper and tried to calculate how many names would fit on a piece of 8 ½ by 11 paper. I used the average number of letters in someone's name to be 12, considering that everyone has a last name as well as a first name.

After finding out how many names would fit on one piece of paper, I divided that number into 47,000,000. It would take 160,500 sheets of paper to hold the names of these murdered children.

If you were to lay these sheets of paper side by side, the sheets would stretch for 21 ½ miles.

If you should decide to stack them atop each other the stack would be 53 ½ feet high.

Now, I have a better idea of the seriousness of this crime.

How many people are involved in this heinous crime? I am aware that 47,000,000 women are responsible for their abortions, but it is more than these women who are responsible. The healthcare people, now there is an example of an oxymoron for you, are making billions of dollars performing these evil deeds as well as all of the people who are deceiving these woman by telling them that these aren't really babies. It even falls on the politicians whose doctrine includes murder.

What is the saddest segment of all of these people are the folks who sit in church on Sunday mornings singing praises to the creator of, and the redeemer of all people and then on Tuesday mornings go to the polls and elect public officials who promote these death laws. These people are the epitome of the definition of a double-minded person.

It is interesting to me that if the church would really act like the church, many of our society's problems would vanish.


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