Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The testimony continues

Last week I told of a couple in their 70's whose house had been flooded and about a team from Indiana who started putting it back together.

The Lord had spoken to the man and told him that He was going to take care of him.

At the end of last week the owner told me that he had been overwhelmed by the progress of the house and the quality of the workmanship. As he was thinking about how fast the house was coming together, the Lord spoke to him again and told him, "you haven't seen anything yet."

This week a team from Missouri came to continue working on his house. They completely painted the inside and put ceramic tile in the kitchen, bathrooms, and laundry area.

I had added up the amount that our church had spent so far and it was a little over $5,000. I had projected that it would take at least $7500.00 more just to finish the house, which did not include appliances. After a meeting with the head pastor here at the church it was decided that we didn't have the funds to finish the house and if some more money didn't come in we would have to hold up on the progress.

The Missouri group finished the painting and ceramic work by lunch time on Friday and as they were about to have their lunch the pastor told everyone including the owner that their church was going to be sending a check for $10,000 to finish the house. Needless to say there were lots of tears running down people's cheeks before that episode was over.

It is exciting to be were God is moving and to have just a wee little part of seeing Him bless His people.


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