Wednesday, October 11, 2006

He who dies with the most toys wins

Before I became a Christian I purposely and with great effort blanked out thoughts relating to what I could expect to be my fate after I died. I had been raised in the church so I had heard enough of the gospel to realize that after death there are only two destinations, so I blanked out, or tried to, my eternal destiny.

That exercise is a pretty big order for anyone and he needs some activities to help him do that. I think that people gravitate toward keeping busy and having fun to do just that, blank out the more important things in life.

I am showing two photos at the end of this blog. They have been taken of a beautiful, or was once a beautiful, home on the beach in Waveland, Mississippi. The first photo shows of what is left of the foundation of this beautiful house. You will notice that there is nothing left of the house; even the bricks are all but gone. The houses on the beach took the full brunt of the 32-foot wave that crashed ashore. The first lots next to the beach are clean, and as one goes inland just a couple of lots you can see the accumulation of the debris from the houses between them and the beach. By the time you get in only 5 or 6 lots the debris is several feet deep from the previous houses.

The second photo is taken where the back yard once was and if you look closely you can see what is left of the owner's toys. You'll see his Corvette upside down. Close examinations show his Harley Davidson. The man was apparently into restoring John Deere tractors because his fully restored Deere sits alongside of the rest of his toys.

When a man's world comes tumbling down even his toys succumb to destruction.

It seems that the Lord is slowly chiseling away at the unimportant priorities that I have stacked up in my life. What are the really important things that I should be focusing on as I live out the rest of my life. I don't think that toys should be very close to the top of my list.


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