Saturday, December 05, 2009


Last December Ruth and I stopped into the politically correct “MART” to buy a couple of things. While waiting for my wife to shop, I asked a clerk, while standing in front of a plastic replica of a beautiful green Spruce tree, “Sir, what are you permitted to call this tree?” “It’s a holiday tree,” he responded. And, if I wish you a Merry Christmas, what are you allowed to respond?” His response was, “Happy holidays.”

No big surprise to any of us unless someone has just awakened from a 10 year coma.

What is going on? It seems like there is a conspiracy to destroy Christmas and the conspirators are becoming bolder and more successful with their agenda.

There is one thing though, that we realize all too well. The God haters are NOT out to destroy the 3 P’s of Christmas. They are PROFITS, PRESENTS, and PARTIES. What they seem bent on destroying is the prefix of Christmas, or in plainer language, they want to remove “Christ” from Christmas and everything He stands for.

I predict that before long it will be illegal for a church to display a manger scene on their own property. Does that seem impossible when it is illegal to disparage disgusting behavior inside the church?

In Canada, it is a hate crime punishable by harsh fines and even imprisonment, to criticize homosexuality, abortion, or Islam. In England, you are a “Hate criminal” if you wear a Christian cross in public.

You may be wondering, “Who is behind this assault?”

Is the ACLU who just recently forced a Catholic church to remove their manger scene from the median in from of their church where they had displayed it for over 60 Christmases?

Is it the NEA? In some public schools it is illegal for a student to wear a tee shirt with a Christian logo or inscription. Thankfully, in our local public school those kinds of tee shirts are still OK.

Or, is it the court system that has told us that we must be religion free in this country?

A recent poll in the USA revealed that 25% of our population consider themselves atheist. What is also interesting is that the Supreme Court has ruled that atheism and humanism are religions.

I think that the contention is not IF there will be an established religion in this nation, but WHAT religion or religions will be recognized and endorsed or even tolerated.

The secularists have convinced America that only Christianity should be illegal.

In 1962 Justice Black led the US Supreme Court to declare that prayer in the public schools was unconstitutional.

In 1963, the Bible was declared “Illegal” in the education of our children.

Then in 1980, the court determined that the 10 commandments were no longer permitted to be displayed in “public” buildings, especially our public schools because, (this is interesting) “If the posted copies of the 10 commandments are to have any effect at all, it will be to induce the schoolchildren to read, meditate upon, perhaps to venerate, and obey the commandments.”

We now find that the atheist-humanist religion has blown away the foundation upon which this country was founded and the inmates are in charge of the asylum.

Why do the atheist-humanists hate any semblance to Christianity and why are they singling out just us?

Webster defines religion as “a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.”

Christianity is an affront to the religion of atheism and humanism. They both worship the same god incidentally, “the god of self.” Christianity puts restrictions on the god they love, themselves.

If you can remove the God of the Bible, there are no more rules, remove the rules and you are free to pursue any lifestyle.

By your own rules, abortion becomes a choice, marriage becomes a meaningless arrangement of convenience, and the god of self does not have to answer to anyone.

This attitude or rebellion goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden where man responded to the Devil’s challenge when he said, “Did God really say, THOU SHALL NOT.”

So now we come down to who is really behind the conspiracy to destroy Christianity?

Jesus had a comment regarding this when He said, “He who is not for me is against me and he who does not gather, scatters.” Mathew 12:30

One more thought in regards to the religion of self.

When one challenges an atheist with this question, “Since you do not believe God created everything, you actually believe that everything that we can see in the Universe was created out of nothing?” How can an intelligent person look you in the eye and say that everything was created out of nothing? The whole purpose of humanism with their promotion of evolution is to discredit the Bible and ultimately discredit the God of the Bible and of course, replace Him with his own god, himself.

With this belief in the humanistic doctrine do you really think that they are intelligent enough to come up with this grandiose conspiracy theme all by themselves? I don’t think so. There is a diabolical intelligence behind these pawns, and that is what they really are, dispensable pawns in the hands and plans of an evil schemer.



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